My Re-Election Campaign Will Focus on:
*Enhancing School Safety
provide community awareness and strong collaboration with local police, parents, and school employees through symposiums and other initiatives
train employees and interested parents to address cyberbullying, drug use, suicide, and online safety
*Social-Emotional Learning
provide cultural awareness training for teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, and all educators to know, recognize, and value ALL students
motivate and engage students by enhancing their sense of belonging and valuing their competence and interest
*Welcoming and Equitable Learning Environment
recognize and respect the social identity and ability of ALL students, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and parents
provide appropriate attention, services, and resources to ALL students’ needs and parent concerns​
*Literacy and Math Competence:
provide highly effective professional development to teachers and paraprofessionals
emphasize learning of skills, making sense of content, and application of concepts in real-world contexts
*Career and Academic Achievement Readiness:
foster mastery and application of skills, strategies, and content to prepare students for college and career
collaborate with local businesses to provide apprenticeship or vocational experiences to students for future employment
*Parent Involvement:
invite parents to communicate with and make use of the CNUSD’s Parent Center for their needs related to mentoring and tutoring their children, dual language instruction for both students and parents and other cultural awareness concerns
communicate with parents on a regular basis and respond promptly to parents’ questions and concerns
*Employer-Employee Collaboration Toward Fiscal Stability:
guide and maintain the culture of collaboration of CNUSD administrators with the teachers' association (Corona-Norco
Teachers Association - CNTA), and classified personnel (local California School Employees Association - CSEA) -
maintain open communication and sustain collaboration among CNUSD administrators and school employee associations to have systematic sharing of information regarding finances and funding sources for fiscal stability