Jose's Political Statement
I am a proud INCUMBENT and have served Corona-Norco Unified School District for 29 years. I will continue to sustain the District’s culture of EXCELLENCE. More than ever, our District needs an experienced, well-proven Trustee who has ADVOCATED for all students, teachers, administrators, and parents. ALL students must be PROFICIENT in literacy, mathematics, and technology while feeling SAFE and meeting their social, psychological, and emotional needs. I will strive for CNUSD to maintain a welcoming collaborative environment to foster and inspire success in all its students and employees. I will continue to emphasize career and academic readiness, school safety, critical thinking, and art while keeping the district’s FINANCIAL stability.
My 4 children graduated from CNUSD. As a former teacher, my master’s and Ph.D. degrees are in literacy/education. With a Ph.D. from the University of Washington, I am a current professor developing effective teachers for ALL students. I always visit schools and engage in constant conversations and COLLABORATION with teachers, staff, administrators, parents, and students while using research and best practices in education.
Corona-Norco Teachers Association, California School Employees Association, administrators, parents, and other local associations are supporting my re-election for the school board.
I ask you to re-elect me as an experienced advocate for all children. Contact me at (951) 847-0498 or